About Freddie 

At just 7 years old, Freddie Orton was an incredibly inspiring young boy.  He wore his heart on his sleeve, a twinkle in his eye and enjoyed a huge zest for life.  Freddie enjoyed and made the most of every single day of his life and was grateful to all the people who shared each day with him. Freddie especially enjoyed time at home in his wellies on the farm with his family and loved to play football at school and with his teammates at Market Bosworth FC.
Freddie embodied the very spirit of our football club, rain or shine, win or lose it was all about playing football and having fun. With the support of Freddie’s family we are proud to remember Freddie and to celebrate his life and the way he lived it. We want everyone to #BeMoreFreddie and now all our shirts carry this message.




Bodie Hodges Foundation 

The Orton Family had been actively supporting, volunteering and raising funds for  the Bodie Hodges Foundation long before they too needed their support.  

The Bodie Hodges Foundation is our chosen charity of choice.
Established in 2013 by Nick and Donna Hodges after the death of their ten-month-old son Bodie. They wanted to offer support to other bereaved families as their experience highlighted how isolating losing a child was. The charity has now become well-regarded regionally for its sensitive, effective professional bereavement services and support groups to adults and children in their darkest hour of grief. 

If you'd like to read more about this amazing charity, visit their website HERE.If you'd like to donate, please TEXT MBFC followed by the donation amount to 70460.For example, texting MBFC 2 to 70460 would donate £2.00.



Freddie Orton Battle of Bosworth Memorial Tournament 

Each June we welcome almost 80 local teams of 6,7,8 and 9 year olds to come and celebrate their love of the beautiful game. Come rain or shine we are proud of this celebration of club and camaraderie bringing out the very best of us all from the literally hundreds of volunteers, players, coaches, referees and supporters all focused on allowing the players to play. In our eyes everyone is a winner.

In 2023 we renamed our tournament in Freddie’s memory so he will always be at the heart of our community football club. 




#BeMoreFreddie Award 

This award made for the first time in 2023 and is made by Freddie’s family to the nominee who best encapsulates and represents the life Freddie lived and the #BeMoreFreddieValues.  

Be More Freddie Values (2)

Be More Freddie Award 2024

Jacob Dockrell – U9s

Jacob is one of those players that you never have to tell to try harder. Every single game he walks onto the pitch, and at the end of every game has totally given everything he could. All with a smile on his face. Despite being one of the top performers every week, Jacob rarely wins the POTM award, when arguably he is one of the outstanding players every week and could win the award every week. He always just seems happy to be with his friends playing football, and enjoying seeing everyone else’s delight when they win the award.
A prime example of this was when Jacob had a particularly good game and was awarded POTM. Jacob was adamant that the award should go to another player who he thought had fully deserved it, and gave the award to her as well.
Jacob has a wicked sense of fun as well, is quite happy to poke fun at us coached but always at the right time so as not to be disruptive. He also is good at taking the fun we send back in his direction and is always game for a laugh. He has completely owned the winning of “Toe Poke of the Year”.
Not only a delight to coach, but a really strong, kind and most importantly, happy team mate.

Cameron Kitchen – U10s
Nominated by his coaches for his amazing commitment to the team, and great communication with his teammates. As with Jacob above, he has shown great maturity and kindness when presented with the POTM award he thought should have gone to someone else, and insisted on giving them the award, which really made that players day.

Flynn Ward – u12s
Flynn was nominated by his coach for his polite, kind and caring approach. Flynn was also noted for his amazing positivity and always having a smile of his face, thoroughly enjoying playing football.

Joe Oliver – U13s
Joe has a great attitude to football, always waiting his turn patiently, never giving up and also asking lots of questions about football. The coach also praised his positive attitude, regardless of what was being asked of him, and never complains when asked to fill in at any position when asked. Joe really seems to totally love being in the football environment, always has a smile on his face, and is missed by the coaches when he’s not there.

Lewis Lunden – U12s
As well as his impressive capability to drink lots of tea, Lewis was nominated for his compassion and kindness shown throughout the season. Always the first to go over to an injured player, no matter whether it is his own team or the opposition to make sure they are ok, and always there to help an upset team mate with a kind word or two. Another player who turns up to every training session and match with a smile on his face, and recognised as being a player who leads by example with both his actions and attitude.

Louie Kent Smith – U12s
“incredibly positive personality”, “made a considerable impact on his team mates” are two of the opening comments in the nomination from his coach. A very good footballer, but recognises the importance of playing the game in the right way with a smile on his face.
His application in training, coupled with his positive attitude has rubbed off on his team mates and encouraged them to raise their levels as well. As well as being a lot of fun, being able to make fun of himself and the coaches all helps with the atmosphere at training and at matches.

Luca Wilford – U13s
Luca was nominated for consistently encouraging everybody to have fun and enjoy their football, and is one of the first to comfort a player who’s not feeling the best. Luca always shows his fair and battling spirit and is commonly found boosting morale having a laugh and a joke with his team mates. “his sense of fun binds us all together”

Rory Coleman – U6s
Despite being so young, Rory has impeccable manners and always has a “thank you” foe the coaches at the end of every session. He thoroughly enjoys his football, always playing with a smile on his face, and in match practice, is always there to help a team mate who is struggling to adapt.

Hunter Ryley – U7s
Hunter’s character is one of true care for his team mates. His passion for the game of football is evident to anyone who watches him play, however it is his off the ball gestures of kindness and concern for his team mates that leads me to make this nomination. Hunter is aware of when players may not be feeling too confident, or upset by a mistake during the game, and is always on hand to show empathy and understanding along with a positive word or two. He encourages his team whenever he can.

Mala Smith U9s
Mala always finds fun in every day and every situation. Her smile is infectious and after every game, regardless of result, Mala will be there with her radiant smile. Mala will play in whatever position you put her in, and has quite often helped us out by playing in goal, and whilst not a natural goalie, she has a great habit of being in the right place, making save after save and more than once keeping us in games. All with a massive grin on her face. In the spirit of trying her best, she has also grown her game on-field, flying in with some really meaty tackles, and gaining the lovingly appointed nickname of “The Beast”.

Raising funds and having fun:

Market Bosworth FC Coaches v AFC Market Bosworth Coaches Charity Match.

In June 2023 both clubs came together to raise funds for the Bodie Hodges Foundation. Coaches dug out their boots, dusted off their kits and took to the pitches. This time taking part from the pitch rather than the sidelines. We hope to make this an annual event!


Boot drop – donate and reuse 

All our players are encouraged to drop off their old boots outgrown or updated. With a little bit of TLC we offer boots for a £5 a pair donation all off which is donated to the Bodie Hodges Foundation. (add photo )

To date: we have raised over £1000 and will continue our efforts to raise more in 2024 

Charity match